Tuesday, July 17, 2012

DIY deodorant

i did this a few months ago but wanted to share my experience and thoughts with you...

My initial search for DIY deodorant recipes started because I have this weird itchy pit problem..i know-it sounds weird but it's true and I just don't know any other way around not telling you that... because of this I searched to find a solution and this is what I came to...and call me crunchy but i'm TOTALLY weirded out by the aluminum in deodorants and since i believe that EVERYTHING gives you cancer-im gonna steer away from putting that element very close to a lady part that is the leading cancer in women...just my opinion....anyway...

Here's the recipe i used and my thoughts after using it a few months...

DIY deodorant:

5 cocoa butter chips
2 tsp chunk beeswax
2 heaping tsp coconut oil
2 tsp baking soda
2 heaping tsp arrowroot
1 tsp clay
15 drops essential oil(I used orange)

-Locate and clean a deodorant container then set aside.
-Mix all ingredients in small glass jar
-Heat in microwave in 30 second increments, mixing in between until all ingredients are completely melted.
-Pour into empty container
-Let sit until it solidifies

initial thoughts:

man, that was super easy to whip up..

 it smells like chocolate and orange- the chocolate smell was not expected.

thoughts after a couple months...im nearing the end of the container and still loving it-you have to reapply like other natural deodorants/especially if you are particularly active.  I did notice for a few weeks in there a few weeks after I made it that it was leaving a grease stain on the pits of my shirts-ones that I worked out in or was active in especially...i have not noticed it as of late...

will i make another batch? more than likely, but i might try a mint essential oil next time around..

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! This is what Davis and I have done for a while. I noticed recently that it melted because of the heat and the arrowroot and coconut oil separated. Essentially, I was putting just coconut oil on and started smelling ha. So now a days I literally put some baking soda on and that's it. No smell ever! haha it's so funny how it works just as well. I just put my fingers in the baking soda and rub it on. Dustin thinks I'm so weird but I'm saving money! :)
