Tuesday, February 15, 2011

i know...it's been awhile

I wonder how many blogs i've written in the past several years that begin with the title of this post.

there's a reason though, that i've been so inconsistent.

a few actually....

Little Miss Piper is growing and exploring like never before... READ: destroying EVERYTHING...
it's a full time job keeping up with her and really trying to figure out why she is acting the way she is.  We're trying to raise her to obey our every command so that ultimately she will relate that obedience to Christ and live a life to please Him...It's more complicated than "No, No put that back" and her doing it or not...It's much messier...like when I don't understand the outburst or the tantrum...It just looks like a bratty situation...but i can't pin-point the foolishness exactly...There's been a lot of turning to Jesus saying "Lord i have no idea what is going on..but I need you to help me.." And i've found great comfort in that...and often the answer has been just to pray for her sweet little heart and realize her frame...

The hubs has been working part time at The Cookie Store that my brother in law recently bought at the end of 2010.  It's been really cool and challenging at the same time. With that said, he's been gone a whole lot with the cookie store and random other projects the Lord has graciously given him...

Oh yeah....and with all this going on i've been trying to avoid throwing my guts up every single second because of morning sickness... :) yes world, i'm pregnant with little bambino numero dos..

.i guess it's time i finally spilled the beans...no pun intended...

We're super excited!

why the weird picture? when you type in 'it's been awhile' in google images, this picture is the first thing that pops up...


  1. Congrats to all three of you! God bless you!

  2. OH MY GOODNESS!!! Congratulations! That is so exciting!!!! awesome! :) I'm so stinkin happy for you!

  3. Congrats! I was reading through older post the other day and really enjoyed reading about you deciding to home birth! Very cool! I get a magazine every few months I think you would enjoy, but I do want to tell you that most of the women are homeschoolers and quiverful families but it's still great! Go to aboverubies.org
